Approximately 2 years ago I met a woman named Josephine Diamond. We met inside of a Facebook Group of female coaches, healers, and visionaries.
I had put up a post asking who would like to be accountability partners in building our businesses. She and 2 other women responded. We met weekly for about a couple of months and then the group fizzled out. We just couldn't keep the momentum going. We all went our separate ways.
But Josephine and I stayed in touch. She boldly shared with me some information that has changed and continues to change my life.
She invited me into a 10 day program. She asked for a sample of my handwriting, my family tree, my birthday and what it is that I wanted to bring into my life. (Little did I know that these 10 days would turn into a lifetime of friendship)
So I wrote in my "best" form of cursive, and shared my dreams of being a top notch healer, to create a life of abundance for myself and my family, and contribute towards New Earth Consciousness.
She looked at my handwriting asked me "Do you butt heads with your husband?"
"YES!" I exclaimed. How did you know?
"It is in your handwriting. You're also a visionary." She proceeded to share with me many more things, which I won't go into here, but long story short, my handwriting was revealing my strengths and my challenges AND also not reflecting the truth of the light of my soul. My own handwriting was doing a disservice to me. I just didn't know what I didn't know!
She proceeded to talk to me about the Palmer Method of handwriting - the handwriting we were taught in school (which I'll never forget my first lessons in cursive with Mrs. Gentry in 3rd grade...I LOVED handwriting!) and how it is a very unhealthy form of handwriting which fosters addictions, anxiety, depression, overwhelm and contributes to diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia.
She explained how when you move the pen across the page, one is creating neural pathways and that there is a better way to form the letters - a way that can literally change your life.
When I heard this information, everything in me lit up. I saw the whole picture.
I saw how as a society we have not only been dumbed down by the media and our schooling, but by the very handwriting we have learned. It has limited our potential and has created a society of sheep.
We just don't know that we don't know.
Crossing our t's limits our potential. Writing our o's counterclockwise prohibits us from moving into our future. Loops in our d's creates issues in the tissues. The list goes on and on.
The handwriting doesn't lie. It reveals each individual's challenges and gifts. It reveals their personality and how they think.
The good news is though, our brain is not hardwired.
Josephine introduced me to Alphabatology which combines the science of graphology (handwriting analysis), neimology (the power of the name and how it shapes our experience here on earth) and the Vimala Alphabet (the only alphabet on the planet that brings out the most noble soul qualities in a human being).
I took her 10 day practice and devoured everything I could about the Vimala Alphabet. I have been writing daily since then and haven't stopped.
It brought up all of my issues by the way. In all healing journeys, one encounters healing crises. There were moments when it got hard - ugly crying on some days. I remember having a couple of meltdowns as old emotions came up to the surface to be healed and released. As I continued to write (which by the way, the daily practice is only 10 minutes a day) old patterns just continued to melt away.
After a year of writing, I have observed significant changes in myself. I now experience reduced social anxiety and increased confidence when speaking in front of groups. I have also noticed a decrease in my tendency to argue with my partner, replaced by a greater sense of love and acceptance. Furthermore, I have successfully addressed the candida issue in my gut, a long-standing struggle. I have established clearer boundaries and am better at protecting my own energy. My dreams have become more vivid and lucid, and I feel physically lighter and more resilient and yet grounded at the same time. My meditation sessions have reached a new level of depth, and I have even experienced unexpected financial blessings.
I have now come to realize how much this new cutting edge tool is here to assist in humanity and how it needs to be included in New Earth Consciousness - especially as AI becomes more prominent.
Because everything is energy and vibration and we are all connected to the One via the quantum energy field, when we create new neural pathways in the brain, we change our energy. When we change our energy, we change the energy in our environment. We collapse old timelines and jump into new more positive possibilites. Others are changed when they come into our presence.
And so as each person transforms their handwriting, they are contributing to the upliftment in consciousness of humanity.
Transformative Handwriting, also known as Alphabatology, is a movement. When this technology gets into our school systems and medical systems we will begin to see incredible changes in our world. (And yes, transformational handwriting can heal the physical body)
But it starts with the individual. With you. As it started with me, and so I am here to share it with you.
Stepping into a daily handwriting practice isn't for everyone. I get it. For some people it is a stretch to understand what handwriting has to do with anything. But for me, with a background in Waldorf Education and studying the teachings of Rudolph Steiner, it is clear to me beyond the shadow of the doubt that handwriting is a spiritual/scientific tool that brings spirit and matter together within the human being. It disentangles the individual from old programs that don't belong to their true nature, and frees them to become fully embodied in their potential.
It sets the soul free. Free to express, create, and move in the world. Free to create new experiences. Free to expand.
Here is a sample of how I use to write:
Here is what my handwriting has now become:
What we don't know is that SO much matters about handwriting.
It's about how do we hold the pen? How is the page oriented? Are you writing on lined or unlined paper? What kind of implement are you using?
Everything matters: the margins, the spacing, the slant, and how the letters themselves are formed.
Each letter holds a vibration and a frequency. Each letter connects to a part of the body. Each letter has a specific intention.
The past, present, and future is all represented.
On the page is the map of consciousness itself. We are coding our consciousness and emiting a vibration out into the quantum field EVERY TIME WE WRITE.
Let that sink in.
The power is at your fingertips.
If you'd like to learn more about this amazing, simple yet powerful technology, I'd like to invite you to an introductory program called The 10 Day Soul Journey.
Click the button below to learn more how you can start utilizing this practice through my personalized guidance to bring forth your power and light as a beautiful soul here on the planet to create positive impact.