Family, Systemic, and Nature Constellations
Receive Healing and Transformation
with Constellations Sessions
What are Systemic Family Constellations?
It is a therapeutic method that brings out the hidden dynamics with a family or group so that the recipient of the session can be healed. These hidden patterns influence us and often originate from our ancestors - thereby affecting us in unconscious ways. In a session, root causes of what are plaguing you can be brought out in your conscious awareness where these misalignments and misperceptions can be brought back into the order of love. Sessions can be conducted 1-1, or in a workshop setting with multiple participants.
Family/Systemic Constellations can shift stuck energy and emotions that have been keeping you from the following things:
*Finding a partner
*Starting a family
*Building a career or finding a job
*Healing yourself from illness
*Freeing yourself from addictions
* Break free from personal or family patterns that have restricted you from living the life you want!
Family Constellations can also aid you in making a difficult decision within complicated situations so that you can be in your clarity, knowing, and empowerment. In this context, the sessions are called Systemic Constellations.
Who created Family Constellations?
Bert Hellinger, a German psychotherapist and former priest, developed this method of healing in the mid 1990's while he was a practicing family therapist.
What are multidimensional constellations?
These sessions go one step further and dive into the spiritual realms such as connecting with your guides, looking to the future, connecting with your Soul Blueprint, Archetypes, your relationship with abundance and money, accessing past lives, connecting with your higher self, etc.
When should I do a constellation?
* When you have been chronically stuck in a pattern in your life that you can't change.
* To resolve issues in your profession/ career and bring in the success, money and abundance you desire.
* To help you improve your physical and mental health. Excellent for healing from illness - especially long term or chronic illnesses that are unexplainable.
* To find love or bring more love into your current relationship
* When you are facing an important decision in life.
* If you need clarity over a complex situation.
* When you are aware of a pattern within yourself or your family that you want to heal and transform so you can have the life that you desire.
How many Constellations will I need?
I find that receiving at least 3 constellations are ideal for a 1st time client to effectively receive the transformation and healing one is looking for. However, in some cases, one session can be enough to resolve a specific issue.
Who were you trained by?
Carolin Hauser - a German trained naturopathic doctor and Humanistic Psychotherapist and one of the leading experts in Family Constellations Facilitation.
Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together.