"Tania's energy healing sessions are truly deep and powerful AND she is an excellent teacher. I highly recommend her."
- gia combs-ramirez, psychic and author
“I scheduled a constellation session with Tania because I’ve had a deep ancestral issue that I’ve been working through for many years. Born an open psychic channel and medium, I’ve always followed Source’s guidance which led me to attend a constellation session demonstration with Tania. Immediately following Tania’s demonstration, I knew I had to schedule an appointment with her. WOW!!! Tania was able to hold a depth of space that many simply cannot hold. Thank you, fellow Scorpio! Tania began moving through the energy of my family lineage skillfully, respectfully, and gently. Going all the way back to the origin of this trauma was so incredibly powerful that in the days following I was blown away by what happened. My hubby of 30+ years, who is my soul mate and best friend began an automatic release of a deeply painful ancestral trauma pattern that plagued him too. This release also led to both of us gaining powerful insight on our relationship and enabled us to fully understand and clear an unhealthy pattern that no doubt was with us for many lifetimes. I am deeply grateful and highly recommend Tania. She is a healer’s healer. Thank you, Tania."
- Sandy Combs
"I have seen a lot of counselors in my long life as well as psychologists (and even a psychiatrist), and I can confidently say that none of them hold a candle to Tania. I have learned more about myself and my life in the past 6 months with her, than in all my life with other pedigreed counsel. I don't understand most of this, but however she comes by it, her insight and wisdom never cease to amaze me, and I don't believe she even realizes just how good she is. Thank you Tania. Love, Nadine”
-Nadine Van Hees
"Words cannot even begin to express the love, respect, and deep gratitude I hold for you in my heart, my beautiful friend - this is the happiest and the most as Peace I have been. You have opened doors for me, to see inside my soul, to find my true purpose, and help me heal, grow, and forgive. Each day I try to use these new tools I have been given to create my path along this amazing journey."
- Cheryl Skiber-Velez
"OMG Tania! Your Nature Constellation experience last week where we connected with Mother Earth and the 4 Elements of Air, Fire, Earth Water was NEXT LEVEL! I had the privilege of representing Mother Earth and the conversations I had and how I felt was so powerful, so healing, so humbling. I felt so good within the space you created and that experience HAS NOT LEFT ME. Thank you so much for such an incredibly transformative experience. You are a true gift!"
"I can attest to Tania Gonzalez Ortega work with Family Constellations.
She is truly amazing at what she does and so so on point with everything - not only that, there are tools and steps to take AFTER the session that if procured with love, compassion and PATIENCE you can expect miracles."
- Anonymous
"Hi Tania- I can't thank you enough for our sessions together- last night's was so powerful and I truly felt a shift and see things so clearly about my future- you are so gifted and really make a difference in people's lives and I am so incredibly thankful for you and for sharing your gifts with us all-"
“Tania is an amazing and kind, empathetic person who is clearly very talented in energetic healing modalities. I have had 4 Family Constellation sessions with her to help heal family relationships. I can definitely suggest her as a go to if you need some help. Much love, Tania. Thanks!”
- Marti Pottorff
"I did several group Family Constellation healing sessions with Tania summer of ‘23 at the Sunflower Wellness Center in Winthrop. It is challenging to bring a group healing experience forward individually and collectively in the course of a 2 hour session. Tania was intuitively sensitive in moving the insights forward for all while honoring the pacing needs of the individual whose pain was setting up the session. We had all just met one another but by the end we were in awe of what healing we had accomplished."
- Dr. Sierra Breitbeil
"Tania's wisdom allowed for shifts in energy within me outside of my understanding but that have undone a long intergenerational patterns. Her practice is one of reverence and attention and this has allowed me to bow to my experience with care, gratitude and gentleness. She creates a safe and sacred space, she possesses a great deal of wisdom that allows energy to move differently, reconnecting one to flow."
- Laura Farrell
"I have had 3 energy sessions now with Tania, I honestly almost cancelled my first appointment because I was in so much pain from an autoimmune flare up, now after just three sessions, I am grounded and feel like myself again! She is one of a kind, an incredible healer! I am so grateful to have found her!" - Angella Konot
"A wonderful and wise healer-teacher-- Powerful and beautiful work that opens up insights into the Self connected to the Whole-- Thank You Tania!!"
- Kristen Planer
“Dear Tania,
Normally I am not that good at feedback therefore I don't do it often. To be honest, I find it quite hard to describe what and how I felt about the experience.
To start with is my first-time constellation, and the experience overwhelmed me. I have read and listened to a lot of podcasts about constellations and I always find them interesting but I never really realized their power of it. I was speechless after the session.
In my head is still the voice saying it ..." and you didn't even want to go"
It was much more to say but at some point, I said:" wow is this my own constellation or what?"
It was the moment when in my mind came the phrase" I don't want to f@ck up my daughter as you did to me." Having 2 girls didn't dare to say it out loud thinking maybe is just my mind playing around with it. I had the session from my phone so the only thing I was seeing on the screen was those who were talking at their time so don't know what was happening behind. I let it be within the moment and the emotion and what I have lived is speechless.Normally I don't cry that easily but that day was uncontrollable.Overall I want to thank you for this amazing opportunity and experience and to let me be part of it. It was something that words can not describe.
Till the next one, all the best from UK from all my heart to you
Love love love !”
"In a single session, I was relieved from the pain I had been unable to heal otherwise. Tania has a true gift for healing."
- Eve Russell, RN
"Thank you for completing that last phase of my journey I just went through! God works in you! I'm looking forward to this next phase! I'm feeling like a new being, more and more in my skin or rather it's me in new skin. Literally, I feel like a brand new baby! Thank you."
-Joshua W.
"I have been lucky enough to work with Tania for several different issues in my life over the last few years and have always found our "work" to provide a gentle, gentle, gentle but POWERFUL and obvious lift to processes that were feeling heavy and in which I felt lost. She has helped me create connection and flow on land that was burned in a wildfire, helped me connect with my dog over issues of aggression, and helped orient my body and mind toward a larger space in which to articulate, hold and allow large transitions to take place. Tania's presence is so gentle but I have come to trust her amazing connection to an awareness of interconnections and the movement that creates. "
- Lucinda Tear, Energy Healer
"Hey Tania,
I keep meaning to tell you how awesome the session you gave me was. Really. Awesome. It completely changed my physical and energetic orientation with the earth. I've never felt ease in this way. Like a subtle struggle that was always going on that isn't happening anymore. Thank you for the very powerful work. I am so so curious to learn more. I am so grateful for this experience. Thank you so much."
- N. Chandwaney
"Tania is an incredible healer with tremendous sensitivity and wisdom. She asks many questions to deeply understand a person's pain points, desires, and intentions. She works gently with no judgment and offers invaluable, holistic guidance. One feels safe and secure in her hands. I have worked with Tania for nearly eight years and can confirm that she is one of the very best healers I know." - Nadia Y.S, Lawyer
"Just being in your presence, I feel conscious."
- Ahu Smith, Artist and Kundalini Yoga Instructor
"We just recently moved to Washington state less than two years ago. We lived in Colorado and decided to move when all the wildfires broke out there. We came to Washington, and less than a year later wildfires broke out all around our house here as well. Needless to say, I felt like I was being followed by an all-consuming enemy. My adrenals were given out. After our wildfires here and the wildfires in Colorado, I was unable to move out of my fight or flight response. Tania listened to my words. She really saw me and really heard my heart. She was able to meet my immediate need for help. Plain and simple. Within minutes of our session, my whole body was rumbling and roaring just like a fire, but that fire inside me felt like healing, motivating fire, not the destruction of the past. After spending an entire 3 months looking at the sky to determine whether to run or not, I was finally becoming grounded. I was shooting out roots. Thank you for my healing, Tania. You have a gift AND know how to use it to help others. I am blessed to have you in my life."
- Barbara Grubb, Business Owner
"I was diagnosed and treated for a very life-threatening type of cancer. As I entered treatment Tania told me to try energy healing. I explored this idea further, received energy healing session with Tania and with the help of a psychologist, who specialized in visualization, developed my personal healing images that without a doubt helped me through treatment and have kept me in remission for 9 years. Somewhat of a record for my type of cancer. I trust it completely . Explore it. It has worked for me."
- T. Jennings, former CEO of Spirit Halloween
"I want to share my deepest gratitude with you. The day after our session I started to feel significant shift. I was cracking open and softening. This was the best week I've had since Covid started. You are a gift."
- A.H.
"I found out today that my cancer is completely gone. As far as a CT scan can show. Pretty remarkable as I started treatment only 5 months ago. Know without a doubt that you have been such an important part part in that. Even before this news my heart has been so full of joy because of our work together. My gratitude for you and the gift you give is abundant and never ending!"
- J.V.
"Thank you for your energy reading. I needed to hear something positive after a long drought...it has been painful and very distracting to put myself out there. You are truly gifted in your work."
- Anonymous
"There's no way you could have known any of that down to our thoughts and emotions from our core!"
- Anonymous
"Hi! The session was so beautiful. My roommate and I both loved it. I do feel different. I feel lighter and more joyful. I've been really focused on bringing more joy into my life. My roommate said she was shaking in her body during the session! For me I was deeply relaxed and serene and carried that peace with me throughout the day. It was pretty profound! The healing was priceless honestly."
- Recipient of Womb Healing Session
"My first session opened me up to a deep experience of inner peace. Even though what is in my space is new and I'm feeling raw. This energy healing was truly amazing. Thank you."
- Josephine: graphologist
"It has been a week now since I had an amazing scan and healing from Tania. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to get an energy scan and healing. It has totally resolved the last issues in my energy field that needed to be healed. I have gained so much more confidence because the energy now flows free without obstacles which has improved my connection to my guides bit time! Thank you Tania. You are an amazing healer."
"I had an amazing scan and healing session with Tania. She was spot on right out the gate. Sending energy to my eyes, ears, and sinus area. She mentioned sending energy to my soul heart and I instantly felt my spirit drop back down into my body and stay - something I struggle a lot with. She removed an energy from around my aura that didn't belong to me. It seemed to be crowding my space. Yes and yes! How freeing! Ending with the scan of all my body systems and sending energy to my lymph, skin, and nervous system was icing on the cake!"
- Anonymous
"Tania is a powerful channel for healing energy. She has a sensitive, intuitive "ear" for wisdom and insight. Before our healing session I have not been sleeping for more than a few hours each night, but now I am able to sleep all night. I noticed a shift in my inner voice after the session. I found that self-compassion is more easily accessible. I have more peace and the tension in my jaw is subsiding. I'm so grateful for the opportunity and feel blessed and fortunate to have found her."
-Anne Young: Reiki practitioner
"WOW! That was gorgeous!"
-Recipient of a group healing session
"Tania. You are AMAZING....that was just....OMG...WOW!"
-Recipient of a group healing session
"Tania, I wanted to tell you I did your Activation recording in the middle of the night last night and today has been INCREDIBLE. I'm seeing things so clear now, I'm feeling so empowered!"
"Tania is amazing with the work; her contribution that she brings to the world is a true gift. She is professional in her work ethic and vulnerable and authentic with her sharing which allows others to do the same. Her work has touched me deeply, always when I have needed it the most. In this ever changing world, I know that I would not be able to function without a supportive team of people around me. Tania is one of those people. I am forever grateful for the shifts that she has facilitated in me, allowing me to embrace all of me and move out into the world with my own gifts. I look forward to continuing working with Tania, on the continuum journey of remembering living my light. The vision that Tania holds for others is immense as you can tell by the clients that she attracts and the results that they get. Thank you!"
-A.S.: children's book author
"I am so grateful! I couldn't make your live, but caught the replay and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I felt tingling throughout and pulsating energy definitely in my crown and feet! Thank you!"
"I had a beautiful experience participating in your meditation. I realize now how much trauma I have around money and wealth that I didn't even know I had. The areas I felt the most were a tingling feeling in the feet and sacral area. At one point I had experienced a mild ear ache in my left ear which I felt was energy releasing. It only lasted a few seconds and then went away but after I felt a sense of calmness throughout my being. Thank you so much for your healing. I appreciate the opportunity you have given me to feel this energy."
"Tania gave a beautiful meditation that I participated in. It felt so calming and peaceful. We did timeline work especially around emotional trauma blocking wealth and abundance. We replaced it with intentions and affirmations. I felt like I went into a mild trance which was quite lovely. Thank you, Tania, for the energy healing."
"Tania is an expert at carrying you to another place with her soothing voice. She has no trouble walking someone deeply through meditation, clearing, and healing. And it's so easy to follow her interesting and informative way of guiding you. I followed along very easily and she really knows her stuff. I felt my body and my energy responding to her directions. Wonderful healing presence!"
"Tania is such a soothing and gentle soul. Your Activation was wonderful....and I was just watching the replay of it!"
"Tania's healing felt so right, it brought me to tears. And when I asked if that was normal, she explained that it was because I felt at home, finally. Which is so true. I have been slowly raising my energies and vibrations and learning how to shift into this higher consciousness. When she did a group session for manifestation, let me tell you, I have NEVER felt more at peace as I did after the session. I am extremely grateful to have gotten this moment in time with her. I highly recommend her to anyone who just needs some healing/guidance. She is such a beautiful soul."
"Tania is amazing in the way she interprets spirit and energy. Such a beautiful soul. I could see orbs flying around her - spirit loves her! So glad she is here!"