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Tania Gonzalez Ortega

Dancing with Multidimensionality

I am a multidimensional being.

Saying that feels kind of like coming out of the closet!

I don't really fit in.

I am very much an introvert, and have always been a highly sensitive person.

Most people who know me don't know what I am about to share with you, dear reader.

In 1999 during a yoga teacher training, I had a full blown kundalini awakening and encounter with Christ of which I have spoken of many times before and how it changed me. (Look into my previous blogs to find this story)

But I have not written much about what has happened since then.

As always on the spiritual path, one must keep following the bread crumbs and it is never a linear path.

Since 1999 I have had many extraordinary experiences - from having interactions with disembodied spirits to extraterrestrials, to exorcising demons, receiving communication from a rose, experiencing the grief of trees and their clear cut family, hearing dolphin communications while living in a desert, remembering past lives, interacting with the Lion of Judah, and Mother Mary, having spontaneous light language flow through me, and experiencing a deep immersive 1-1 encounter with the moon, to name a few. Each experience could be a blog within it of itself.

My life has been a mystical life. A dance between the mundane and the extraordinary.

If shared this publicly in my community, I would probably be called insane.

The reality is however, I am pretty "normal". In fact, I am often dismissed and overlooked. I am a top of class graduate of UCLA. I am a violinist and harmonium player. I love to paint, garden. and dance. I have run 2 successful child care centers, helped my husband run his organic goat dairy business. I have raised 2 children. Just a "regular human" on the outside.

I am grounded, responsible and logical even through I sometimes travel into higher realms and have extraordinary spiritual experiences.

So why am I sharing all of this?

Because, to put it bluntly, the world is NOT what it seems and is much more fluid and untethered than we realize. And I invite you, if you know that you are multidimensional, to claim it. I am here to affirm that within you. And if you aren't yet aware of your multidimensional self, I invite you to be open to explore the possibility.

The truth is we live in a multidimensional universe living as multidimensional beings.

This 3rd dimension is just a sliver of what actually exists.

Consiousness is shifting rapidly, and many of us are on the path to awakening - and I am here to assist others in healing themselves and awakening to their own gifts.

Our bodies are changing. Our dna is upgrading. The earth is vibrating at higher and higher frequencies. Evolution happens.

Time is speeding up. We are on the edge of a quantum leap.

More and more people are having spontaneous kundalini awakenings. (In fact you can find a "kundalini support page" on Facebook - something I wish I could have had access to back in 1999! It would have helped me TREMENDOUSLY).

I'm being called to share my light language more publicly - to use it for healing and activation.

When we use our imaginations, we broadcast specific frequencies depending on what we imagine. And in utilizing our imagination, we begin a conversation with creation - with the All That Is. We begin a dance with reality.

Our bodies have the capacity to travel into parallel universes and other dimensions - and when I say bodies, we do not only have a physical body. We have an astral body, etheric body, causal body, and more.

Through meditation, caring for our physical bodies, and being mindful of our thoughts we begin to awaken to this truth. We develop and awaken to our spiritual gifts.

We go beyond the 3d and it's matrix.

We are bio-spiritual beings with a bio-technology which is more powerful than any computer or AI possible. Once we realize and reclaim this truth, we get to go to the next level.

The most beautiful thing about waking up to multidimensionality is the unlimited possibilities it presents and the never ending unfolding journey of the soul.

Starting this month, I will be offering bi weekly group light language sessions for whoever would like to join.

What happens in a light lanugage session is unplanned. As I start utilizing light language, images and messages come through as to what is being offered to the recipient. I never know what is going to be addressed. New information always comes through.

Energetic shifts happen on all levels of your being and a remembrance of who you are awakens.

As each one of us awakens, we create that possibility for others.

To dance with multidimensionality with a pure and innocent heart reconnects us to our joy, our light, and life.

With nothing to fear, we create a whole new reality and a new way of being.

I invite you to listen to my free Crystalline Light Body Activation below, and if you'd like to stay connected and receive updates and new offerings, be sure to go to and subscribe to my email newsletter.

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